

8 harmless habits you didn’t know can cause piles

People of every age group suffer from piles. It is among the most common health issues in all age groups. Piles cause painful bowel movements, itchiness, and irritation near the anal area.

Piles are generally caused due to the pressure on the blood vessel. Let us have a look at some harmless habits that can cause piles.

Harmless habits that can cause piles

Some of the common causes of piles include obesity, constipation, and diarrhea. Have a look at the harmless habits that might cause piles:

1. Carrying heavy objects

Carrying heavy objects puts pressure on the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic areas. This activity will put pressure on the veins near the anus. Apart from that, the activity of heavy lifting can also cause piles. Doctors recommend doing proper lifting techniques to reduce pressure on the lower body.

2. Chronic diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea is another cause of piles. In diarrhea, one has to go to the toilet multiple times during the day. It puts a lot of pressure on the lower rectum which can further cause piles. You must get a timely treatment of piles to cure chronic diarrhea.

3. Forceful bowel movements

Putting strain on the bowel movements again increases pressure on the lower rectum. You must not try forceful bowel movements and let them occur naturally. Take fiber in high quantities and keep your body hydrated to improve bowel movements.

4. Putting extra strain during exercise

Some exercises such as aerobic activities and weightlifting put extra strain on the body. Instead, you must do low-impact exercises like brisk walking, yoga, and swimming to put less strain on the pelvic area.

5. Lack of water in the body

Drinking less water causes constipation and increases the risk of piles in the body. Keep a habit of drinking at least 8 glasses per day to cure constipation and reduce the risk of piles.

6. Consuming a low-fiber diet

One of the major causes of constipation is consuming a low-fiber diet. Medical experts say that it is necessary to consume fiber-rich food regularly to make bowel movements normal and cure constipation. You must consume foods such as legumes, whole grains, and citrus fruits regularly to reduce piles.

7. Standing for a long time

Standing for a long time puts pressure on the veins of the lower body. It can also cause hemorrhoids. Doctors suggest reducing the time of standing at home and office to cure piles.

8. Consuming spicy and junk food

Consuming junk and spicy foods cause piles by increasing the problem of gas and constipation. It is necessary to consume a well-balanced diet to cure piles.


Piles can be avoided by following healthy eating habits. You can make a few changes in your daily life and reduce the risk of piles, indigestion, and other digestive disorders. If you suffer from chronic piles, consult Dr Jiten today. He is a topmost Piles Specialist in Bhandup having many years of experience in treating this painful issue. He will give the right treatment and advice to help quickly cure piles.

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